The Simple 5 Step Strategy To Get High 
Paying Clients Without A Big Email List  
The Key to Becoming A top 3% Entrepreneur is Conquering Your Mind
Mindset Preset Program: A Proven Program That Uses The Latest Brain Research 
To Help You Get Unstuck In Life & Obtain Your Results, Every Time!
The Master It All®: Accelerated Mindset & Business Coaching Program is a comprehensive and highly effective personal and business development program for coaches, consultants, experts and service providers who what to spend 90% of their time sharing their knowledge and expertise, while scaling their knowledge-based businesses into the upper 6 & 7-figures. 
The Master It All® Program takes entrepreneurs through a step-by-step process of structuring, packaging and marketing your unique knowledge. It starts with identifying your market & messaging, to creating programs that scale, to developing core communications & marketing strategies that generate a consistent flow of high- paying clients. 

This is the most advanced coaching and training program for entrepreneurs who want to make a bigger impact in the world, and leave their legacy behind. 

The program is designed to teach you the ultimate framework for creating powerfully in every area of your life (health, wealth, relationships, career, volunteering) while living in a beautiful state of being. 

Find out why entrepreneurs, high performers and achievers call the Master It All Program ‘a masterpiece in business and personal evolution.’
Do you have course fatigue?  You need a Mindset Preset:
You've watched webinar after webinar. You've both the courses. You've watched more videos and read more books, but there is still something holding you back from being the successful entrepreneur you've dreamed of being
It's Not Your Fault! Success is a combination of two things: Mindset & Mechanics.

You should only be spending 20% of your time on the Mechanics of how to build and scale your business. The other 80% of your time should be spent on your Mindset. This is why we created the Mindset Preset Strategy.

You need to build your mindset foundation BEFORE, DURING and AFTER you implement strategies.

By using cognitive priming techniques, we teach you how to "believe things will happen, first, so you will see the results happen." This is completely opposite of other programs.

You see, there is no "one-size-fits-all" program and no "magic bullet" to growing your business, as others are telling you. You need to develop a solid foundation, first. You need to get rid of all of your blocks and barriers that will be getting in the way of your success.

This is why we get outstanding results and other programs don't. 

If you did the work and haven't succeeded in other programs, it's probably not your fault. Many entrepreneurs get stuck in the loop of the doom, doing the same things that aren't working, over and over again. 

This usually occurs when you are trying to find the "shiny new object," technique or strategy to use.

If I give you the BEST strategies in the world, there is still a chance that you will fail IF you don't have the strong mindset to follow.
Mindset is much more than positive affirmations...
Mindset isn't just positive affirmations and relaxation techniques. Most entrepreneurs say "I know all about mindset, I don't need that." 

But, in the next breath they are saying, "I can't charge more" or "I don't have enough time" or "I'm not getting results" or "My business isn't where I want it to be and I'm stuck." All of these things have to do with one thing: MINDSET.
Mindset Preset is about developing the habits and rituals that high-performers use. It's about figuring out your attitudes, behaviors and beliefs and living a value-based life, and SO much more.

We understand the fluid nature of coaching makes it inherently difficult to pin down to results, and therefore makes it hard to follow the traditional business building advice and mechanics. Therefore, we use unique strategies to help you grow your business.

Another challenge that coaches have is that, for the most part, they operate in isolation. Without regular feedback it can also be easy to fall into bad habits, or blame themselves when client results do not meet expectations.

 Click to learn about our peer advisory services.
"I will let you in on the secrets to creating success in your life that most people don’t know. You will learn the science of  getting 
what you want..."
Start attracting Success, Wealth, Health, Meaningful Relationships and more, by reprogramming your brain to do this for you, UNCONSCIOUSLY!

Jodi will teach you and show you how to:
  • Increase your income by two or three times, within the next year!
  • Reprogram new ‘set points’ in your mind to reach goals you only dreamed of reaching.
  • ​Learn how to make the most out of every 86,400 seconds in your day! 
  •  Stop the negative self-talk that is keeping you from living the life that you want to live. You deserve to be happy and wealthy in every part of your life.
  • Relax and control your thoughts during any circumstance.
Aren't you tired of other programs promising you gimmicks that don't produce results? Isn't it time to change your life, 
once and for all?
This is the quickest, most accurate way to reach your maximum potential, and achieve your desired success, rapidly
The commitment for change depends on one variable, and that is "YOU!"
  • Use the latest brain research in neuroscience to create your perfect path for success, and not only set goals, but achieve them, every single time!
  • Learn how to alter your neural sequences to achieve your ultimate health goals; lose that extra weight...
  •  Learn to ask the right questions, to get the right answers, in your “Brain's Search Engine,” that will propel your success.
  • Upgrade your internal hard drive, and refresh your attitude, skill sets, and knowledge, to break the thermostats that are preventing you from success.
Take a moment, and seriously consider these questions.
"How would it change your life if you were able to...?"
  • Conquer your fears, and learn to use the little voices in your head to propel you forward in life, to greatness.
  • Identify your true values, today; not the values that your parents, caregivers, and peers taught you. 
  • Learn to use fear as a positive emotion to fuel your fire.
  • Stop disappointing yourself and your loved ones, by reaching the successes that you set out to achieve.
  • Get rid of the old habits and destructive behaviors that are holding you back in your relationships, health, wealth and all facets of life.
  • Finally understand “who” you are, and “what” it is that you are trying to achieve in life, by applying the million-dollar methods, learning “how” to MASTER IT ALL. Learn how to use positive affirmations, and when to use them, to help ensure your success!
Master It All Program® is an effective, reliable, repeatable program that is based in science, which incorporates learning new business and personal skills, mixed with personal therapy, and new psychological and neuroscience approaches in daily Brain Training techniques.  

I teach you how to decode the information in your brain, while putting together proven strategies to help you earn the income you deserve, learn to set goals and achieve them, get unstuck in your business ventures, and have flourishing relationships. By unlocking these desires, you will become wealthy, healthy, and happy in every aspect of your life. 
By learning to decode your genetics, you will improve your attitude, skill set, and knowledge, living the life you’ve always dreamed of living. You will have a more meaningful life, once you learn how to reach your maximum potential. Isn’t it time to be the best you?

*You can stop working 60+ hour weeks and start enjoying your life.

*You can work less and make more money, saving 300+ hours per year.

*You can take vacations whenever and wherever you want to.

*You can build a mission-based business and impacts others as an expert in your field
*You can learn to take your business to the next level and start earning multiple 6 or 7-figures 
with your existing business.
*You can have deep, meaningful relationships with your loved ones.
Master It All Program® is an effective, reliable, repeatable program that is based in science, which incorporates learning new business and personal skills, mixed with personal therapy, and new psychological and neuroscience approaches in daily Brain Training techniques.  I teach you how to decode the information in your brain, while putting together proven strategies to help you earn the income you deserve, learn to set goals and achieve them, get unstuck in your business ventures, and have flourishing relationships. By unlocking these desires, you will become wealthy, healthy, and happy in every aspect of your life. 
By learning to decode your genetics, you will improve your attitude, skill set, and knowledge, living the life you’ve always dreamed of living. You will have a more meaningful life, once you learn how to reach your maximum potential. Isn’t it time to be the best you?

*You can stop working 60+ hour weeks and start enjoying your life.
*You can work less and make more money, saving 300+ hours per year.
*You can take vacations whenever and wherever you want to.
*You can build a mission-based business and impacts others as an expert in your field.
*You can learn to take your business to the next level and start earning multiple 6 or 7-figures with your existing business  
*You can have deep, meaningful relationships with your loved ones.
 When we start working together, we’re going clear out any lingering self-doubts and internal negative beliefs about yourself that are standing in your way from moving forward. Often we may not even be totally aware of these blocks, so that’s why it’s the first step and extremely important to make sure there’s nothing stopping you from hitting the ground running.
This is where we dive into getting 100% clarity on every obstacle in your life. Anything that causes you stress will be put under the microscope of our proven strategies to help you retrain your mind to use the fear response to achieve what you want, rather than letting stress and anxiety keep you stuck. Once we’ve both cleared any self-doubt and shown you how to use the inevitable fear instinct to HELP you rather than you hold you back. Now we’re perfectly positioned for Step 3.
This is where you will learn an entirely new approach to setting goals. Goals that seem impossible will become completely doable with these simple strategies. This is how you’ll be freeing up your time, making more money, and having a professionally trained brain that creates the reality you truly want. The only way to complete the process is to take action, today!
Neuroscience, quantum physics, and psychology all prove that you need to “BELIEVE in something in order to SEE it.” In order to download the new apps in your brain, you need to understand that it is possible to change your mind and believe that an event has already occurred, before it even happens.

By thinking into the future, you create new neural sequences that allow your brain to feel like this event has already happened. This way of thinking allows you to move into the proper mindset; having a positive attitude that will trick your brain into helping you find a way to make this happen. The unconscious part of your mind actually makes these events happen. Since we only use 5% of our conscious mind, it’s not in your best interest to try to control this part of your mind for success. It’s best to learn how to control the other 95% of the mind, the unconscious part of your brain. If you work on reprogramming your current thoughts & actions, you can turbo-charge your brain for success.
Brain-ercise is a brain training method that is scientifically proven, repeatable, effective, and reliable at enhancing emotional and mental processes. It is proven that most entrepreneurs lack two foundations for success:

Creating effective daily HABITS &Focusing on their MINDSET.

Brain-ercises help you learn how to train yourself in conserving your mental energy by taking massive action towards your specific goals.
Brain-ercise is a brain training method that is scientifically proven, repeatable, effective, and reliable at enhancing emotional and mental processes. It is proven that most entrepreneurs lack two foundations for success:

Creating effective daily HABITS &
Focusing on their MINDSET.

Brain-ercises help you learn how to train yourself in conserving your mental energy by taking massive action towards your specific goals.
1. BELIEFS - Having the right attitude, beliefs and values that are current to your situation.
2. QUESTIONS - Learning to ask the right questions in order to get the right answers
3. MINDFULNESS - Being mindfully aware and appreciative of your surroundings.
4. CLARITY - Having clarity over your goals and dreams.
5. MIND CHANGING - Giving yourself responsibility to change your mind.
6. THE 'WHY' - Understanding the “why” behind your decisions.
7. COGNITIVE PRIMING - “Believe it first, in order to See the results happen, quickly.”
8. COMMITMENT- Having tools & commitment to put your goals into action.  
1. BELIEFS - Having the right attitude, beliefs and values that are current to your situation.
2. QUESTIONS - Learning to ask the right questions in order to get the right answers
3. MINDFULNESS - Being mindfully aware and appreciative of your surroundings.
4. CLARITY - Having clarity over your goals and dreams.
5. MIND CHANGING - Giving yourself responsibility to change your mind.
6. THE 'WHY' - Understanding the “why” behind your decisions.
7. COGNITIVE PRIMING - “Believe it first, in order to See the results happen, quickly.”
8. COMMITMENT- Having tools & commitment to put your goals into action.  
1. BELIEFS - Having the right attitude, beliefs and values that are current to your situation.
2. QUESTIONS - Learning to ask the right questions in order to get the right answers
3. MINDFULNESS - Being mindfully aware and appreciative of your surroundings.
4. CLARITY - Having clarity over your goals and dreams.
5. MIND CHANGING - Giving yourself responsibility to change your mind.
6. THE 'WHY' - Understanding the “why” behind your decisions.
7. COGNITIVE PRIMING - “Believe it first, in order to See the results happen, quickly.”
8. COMMITMENT- Having tools & commitment to put your goals into action.  




No matter how many consultants you hire, or how many hours you work or people you hire, you simple will NOT be successful until you can master your mindset. Your mindset should be the first, most crucial item to focus on, prior to moving forward with your business.
Whether you are Buddha, Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, or any other great thinker, they understand how important it is to work on their inner self and mindset first, because this is what helps them have more time. What you think about, you become. You're thinking defines who you are and how successful your business will become. 

Until now, most people think of MINDSET and cognitive neuroscience as a concept and one that’s only taught to high-level individuals.They try learning about positive affirmations and only make tiny steps, without much success on our own, so they give up on the idea.   

The reason why people don’t make that ultimate shift and have that quantum leap in their personal development is about one thing and that is learning to CHANGE YOUR BRAIN

You can transform your mind in ways you only dreamed were possible, but first, you need to uninstall your old limiting beliefs, and then install new, empowering ones that are consistent with your new way of thinking.You can make massive breakthroughs, to the next level, in the shortest amount of time. You can begin to predict your future, your income and have amazing results, every single time.
I help you identify what your inner conflict is. The inner conflict is a like a wall that is keeping you stuck where you are right now from where you want to be.  I want you to understand that the problem isn’t that you don’t have enough time or have limited resources to move forward, or that there are other people doing what you’re trying to do already…the problem is inside of you.

You are unaware that you have a belief that isn’t congruent with your current goals and plan of action. On one hand, you want a larger income, but on the other hand, you feel that money is hard to make. You want to work fewer hours, but you don’t think that it’s possible. Until you identify your inner conflicts, that wall between what you want to do and what you are doing now, will remain up.
The reality is that most of you aren’t breaking through those barriers and aren’t moving into the next level of your business. You are stuck in the dreaded loop of doom. You’ve hit a plateau! You are spinning your wheels trying to find a solution to your problems.

Many people are feeling like there just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done and keep asking themselves “how will I ever finish everything I need to get done.” The little voice of fear starts entering your head and self-doubt starts creeping in. You start saying things like “I’m not good enough” or “there are so many other people doing what I am doing, why would people want to invest in me”?  Soon, you begin comparing yourself to others and doubting if what you are doing is even possible to get your message out, globally.

Maybe you have let fear and anxiety infiltrate your life and overwhelm has set in and you are feeling burned out. You are starting to realize that you can’t keep spending 12-14 hours per day feeling like you are taking one step forward and two steps back. 

The days, weeks and months are melting away and you are getting anxious about the lack of progress that you are making. Maybe, you are so overwhelmed that some days you just don’t feel like doing anything. You start doing busy work to feel important, but you are distracted and procrastinating. These feelings multiple your fear of not moving forward and the loop of doom continues. You need to learn to harness these feelings and use fear to fuel your success fire. I will teach you how to do this with ease. 
The old adage “To See It Is to Believe It” is backwards.

It should be “Believe It and See It Happen!”

It’s just like an actor reading a script and getting into character. They believe that they are channeling the person with whom they are portraying. This belief helps us see the character on screen. For professional athletes, they use this same technique which is called “cognitive priming.” A diver will see the dive unfold in their mind, before they even step on the platform.  They will see the twists, the body posture, the execution and the entry into the water with precision. They believe that they can make the dive with perfection, and then they see the results unfold as they enter the water with no splash at all.

Neuroscience shows that the brain doesn’t know the difference between the experiences you are having and what you are imagining.

You might not know how you are going to transition into your new business or how you are going to take your business to the next level, but you need to believe that it is going to happen.

*Believe that you are going to make 6-figures this year.
*Believe that you are going to take your business into the 7-figures.
*Believe that you have more free time to spend doing things you love.
*Believe that you are an expert in your field and people look up to you.
*Believe that you can deepen your relationships with friends and family.
*Believe that you can help out more in your community and impact others.

You would be able to take more time off and have your business continue to grow. You have save over 300+ hours a year, limiting overwhelm, stress and anxiety. You would have the impact on others you have always wanted. You could start learning how to predict your financial and emotional freedom. A lot of my clients are adding a zero onto their incomes and making monthly, what they used to make yearly. 

The KEY to doing this is focusing on your MINDSET.

It seems that everyone understands the concept of MINDSET, but everyone underestimates the power of MINDSET to creating their ultimate success.

Most people spend their time on the strategies, trainings, tactics, coaching, and execution on HOW to do something, and spend little time on the WHY.

The WHY is the most important part to understand, so when you are going through challenges and feel like quitting, you can rely on your WHY to get you past that hump and into the new level. Most people stop before they get to this point, just before they were ready to have a huge breakthrough.   

Don't be like other people. Turn your mind into a powerful weapon for success!
You can stop working 60+ hour weeks.
You can take vacations whenever you want to.
You can build a mission-based business and impacts others.
You can learn to take your business to the next level and start earning multiple 6-figuresYou can even start earning 7-figures with your existing business.
You can learn to enjoy the little things in life and enjoy every minute of your day.
You can have more free time to spend with your family and friends.
You can become an active member of your community and do more volunteering.
We teach our coaches these 4 strategies that help them scale their business and earn what they deserve to be making. If you want to free up your time to enjoy life and make a bigger impact in the world, watch our free training and book a call with our team!  Life only happens once, so make it your best life possible!

You will discover how to create the habits & rituals that high-performing coaches use, daily. The audios are designed to help you access your elephant mind, and allow you to make course corrections in your mind, no matter what circumstance you are faced with. This will ensure that you are on the path to becoming a top 3% coach. (Note: you need to put in the work to see the results!)
You will discover how to create the habits & rituals that high-performing coaches use, daily. The audios are designed to help you access your elephant mind, and allow you to make course corrections in your mind, no matter what circumstance you are faced with. This will ensure that you are on the path to becoming a top 3% coach. (Note: you need to put in the work to get the results!)
Click To Join Our Complimentary Training Now
No matter how many consultants you hire, or how many hours you work or people you hire, you simple will NOT be successful until you can master your mindset. Your mindset should be the first, most crucial item to focus on, prior to moving forward with your business.
Whether you are Buddha, Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, or any other great thinker, they understand how important it is to work on their inner self and mindset first, because this is what helps them have more time. What you think about, you become. You're thinking defines who you are and how successful your business will become. 

Until now, most people think of MINDSET and cognitive neuroscience as a concept and one that’s only taught to high-level individuals.They try learning about positive affirmations and only make tiny steps, without much success on our own, so they give up on the idea.   

The reason why people don’t make that ultimate shift and have that quantum leap in their personal development is about one thing and that is learning to CHANGE YOUR BRAIN

You can transform your mind in ways you only dreamed were possible, but first, you need to uninstall your old limiting beliefs, and then install new, empowering ones that are consistent with your new way of thinking.You can make massive breakthroughs, to the next level, in the shortest amount of time. You can begin to predict your future, your income and have amazing results, every single time.
I help you identify what your inner conflict is. The inner conflict is a like a wall that is keeping you stuck where you are right now from where you want to be.  I want you to understand that the problem isn’t that you don’t have enough time or have limited resources to move forward, or that there are other people doing what you’re trying to do already…the problem is inside of you.

You are unaware that you have a belief that isn’t congruent with your current goals and plan of action. On one hand, you want a larger income, but on the other hand, you feel that money is hard to make. You want to work fewer hours, but you don’t think that it’s possible. Until you identify your inner conflicts, that wall between what you want to do and what you are doing now, will remain up.
The reality is that most of you aren’t breaking through those barriers and aren’t moving into the next level of your business. You are stuck in the dreaded loop of doom. You’ve hit a plateau! You are spinning your wheels trying to find a solution to your problems.

Many people are feeling like there just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done and keep asking themselves “how will I ever finish everything I need to get done.” The little voice of fear starts entering your head and self-doubt starts creeping in. You start saying things like “I’m not good enough” or “there are so many other people doing what I am doing, why would people want to invest in me”?  Soon, you begin comparing yourself to others and doubting if what you are doing is even possible to get your message out, globally.

Maybe you have let fear and anxiety infiltrate your life and overwhelm has set in and you are feeling burned out. You are starting to realize that you can’t keep spending 12-14 hours per day feeling like you are taking one step forward and two steps back. 

The days, weeks and months are melting away and you are getting anxious about the lack of progress that you are making. Maybe, you are so overwhelmed that some days you just don’t feel like doing anything. You start doing busy work to feel important, but you are distracted and procrastinating. These feelings multiple your fear of not moving forward and the loop of doom continues. You need to learn to harness these feelings and use fear to fuel your success fire. I will teach you how to do this with ease. 
The old adage “To See It Is to Believe It” is backwards.

It should be “Believe It and See It Happen!”

It’s just like an actor reading a script and getting into character. They believe that they are channeling the person with whom they are portraying. This belief helps us see the character on screen. For professional athletes, they use this same technique which is called “cognitive priming.” A diver will see the dive unfold in their mind, before they even step on the platform.  They will see the twists, the body posture, the execution and the entry into the water with precision. They believe that they can make the dive with perfection, and then they see the results unfold as they enter the water with no splash at all.

Neuroscience shows that the brain doesn’t know the difference between the experiences you are having and what you are imagining.

You might not know how you are going to transition into your new business or how you are going to take your business to the next level, but you need to believe that it is going to happen.

*Believe that you are going to make 6-figures this year.
*Believe that you are going to take your business into the 7-figures.
*Believe that you have more free time to spend doing things you love.
*Believe that you are an expert in your field and people look up to you.
*Believe that you can deepen your relationships with friends and family.
*Believe that you can help out more in your community and impact others.
You would be able to take more time off and have your business continue to grow. You have save over 300+ hours a year, limiting overwhelm, stress and anxiety. You would have the impact on others you have always wanted. You could start learning how to predict your financial and emotional freedom. A lot of my clients are adding a zero onto their incomes and making monthly, what they used to make yearly. 

The KEY to doing this is focusing on your MINDSET.

It seems that everyone understands the concept of MINDSET, but everyone underestimates the power of MINDSET to creating their ultimate success.

Most people spend their time on the strategies, trainings, tactics, coaching, and execution on HOW to do something, and spend little time on the WHY.

The WHY is the most important part to understand, so when you are going through challenges and feel like quitting, you can rely on your WHY to get you past that hump and into the new level. Most people stop before they get to this point, just before they were ready to have a huge breakthrough.   

Don't be like other people. Turn your mind into a powerful weapon for success!
You can stop working 60+ hour weeks.
You can take vacations whenever you want to.
You can build a mission-based business and impacts others.
You can learn to take your business to the next level and start earning multiple 6-figuresYou can even start earning 7-figures with your existing business.
You can learn to enjoy the little things in life and enjoy every minute of your day.
You can have more free time to spend with your family and friends.
You can become an active member of your community and do more volunteering.
We teach our coaches these 4 strategies that help them scale their business and earn what they deserve to be making. If you want to free up your time to enjoy life and make a bigger impact in the world, watch our free training and book a call with our team!  Life only happens once, so make it your best life possible!
Caution!  Once you watch this training, you will begin to have immediate changes in your way of thinking.

I promise this will be the most rewarding time you will ever spend on your business.

The Simple 5 Step Strategy To Get High 
Paying Clients Without A Big Email List  
Caution!  Once you watch this training, you will begin to have immediate changes in your way of thinking.

I promise this will be the most rewarding time you will ever spend on your business

Disclaimer: The results that we portray are not typical of every coach.  Success takes a lot of hardwork and dedication. We've coached every one of our clients through procrastination, self-doubt, fear, overwhelm and other challenges to help them find their success path. Your business is different and your obstalces are different, therefore, your results will be different. If you are looking for a "get rich quick" program of "easy done for you" program this isn't for you.  If you work hard, have a great offering and are coachable, you will most likely succeed.  We have a strong success rate, because when you succeed, so do we.  This is why we are very selective to only work with passion-driven coaches that take action.

Copyright 2019 - Master It All Program® - All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The results that we portray are not typical of every coach.  Success takes a lot of hardwork and dedication. We've coached every one of our clients through procrastination, self-doubt, fear, overwhelm and other challenges to help them find their success path. Your business is different and your obstalces are different, therefore, your results will be different. If you are looking for a "get rich quick" program of "easy done for you" program this isn't for you.  If you work hard, have a great offering and are coachable, you will most likely succeed.  We have a strong success rate, because when you succeed, so do we.  This is why we are very selective to only work with passion-driven coaches that take action.

Copyright 2019 - Master It All Program® - All Rights Reserved